Researching SDLC (Methodology, Key stages, and Benifits)

(Big Water Consulting, 2023)

The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a process used by software development organizations to develop and maintain high-quality software products (Pressman, 2014, and Sommerville, 2011). The SDLC methodology defines the steps involved in the development of software and provides a systematic approach to software development (Sommerville, 2011).

The key stages of the SDLC methodology typically include:

Requirements gathering and analysis: This stage involves gathering requirements from stakeholders, analyzing them, and defining the scope of the software development project (Pressman, 2014, Sommerville, 2011, and Royce, 1970).

Design: This stage involves creating a detailed design of the software solution that meets the requirements defined in the previous stage (Pressman, 2014, Sommerville, 2011, and Royce, 1970).

Implementation: This stage involves writing the code for the software solution (Pressman, 2014, Sommerville, 2011, and Royce, 1970).

Testing: This stage involves testing the software to ensure that it meets the requirements and functions as intended (Pressman, 2014, Sommerville, 2011, and Royce, 1970).

Deployment: This stage involves deploying the software to the production environment (Pressman, 2014, Sommerville, 2011, and Royce, 1970).

Maintenance: This stage involves maintaining and updating the software after it has been deployed (Pressman, 2014, Sommerville, 2011, and Royce, 1970).

The benefits of using an SDLC methodology include:

Improved quality: SDLC provides a structured approach to software development, which can result in higher-quality software products (Pressman, 2014, Sommerville, 2011, and Royce, 1970).

Better control: SDLC helps to manage the development process, making it easier to control the project and ensure that it stays on track (Pressman, 2014, Sommerville, 2011, and Royce, 1970).

Increased efficiency: SDLC helps to streamline the development process, making it more efficient and reducing the risk of errors (Pressman, 2014, Sommerville, 2011, and Royce, 1970).

Better communication: SDLC provides a common language and framework for communication among team members, stakeholders, and clients (Pressman, 2014, Sommerville, 2011, and Royce, 1970).

Overall, the SDLC methodology provides a systematic approach to software development that can help organizations produce higher-quality software products in a more efficient and controlled manner (Pressman, 2014, Sommerville, 2011, and Royce, 1970).

Comment on activities while developing my website:

I personally have experience with each stage of SDLC methodology while building my website. During requirement and analysis stage, I identified my requirements and analysed it to make sure they were feasible, well defined, and created a project plan. During the design stage, I created a detailed wireframe (hand and digital sketch) design for my website and selected the appropriate technologies ( and tools for implementation.

In the implementation stage, I wrote the embedded HTML code for the website and conducted various types of testing to ensure that it was free of bugs and met the requirements. I also debugged and fixed any errors in the code and template design. During the testing stage, I conducted system testing to verify that the website met the requirements and functioned as intended. I also identified and fixed any defects or problems in the website.

In the deployment stage, I installed the website in the production environment, configured it to work properly. Finally, in the maintenance stage, I provided ongoing support and maintenance for the website, updated it to fix bugs or add new features, and monitored its performance to make any necessary improvements.


Big Water Consulting (2023) Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) - Big water Consulting Available at: (Accessed: 02/13/2023)

Pressman, R. S. (2014). Software engineering: a practitioner's approach (8th ed.). McGraw Hill Education.

Royce, W. W. (1970). Managing the development of large software systems: concepts and techniques. Proceedings of the IEEE WESCON.

Sommerville, I. (2011). Software engineering (9th ed.). Addison-Wesley.


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